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Mental Health Related Content

By: Annie Fish, Program Director for NAMI KDK

Need recommendations on books, podcasts, apps, and more that are related to mental health? We've got you covered.


Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb

Depression: Teen's Guide to Survive and Thrive by Jacqueline Toner & Claire Freeland

Permission to Mourn: A New Way to Do Grief by Tom Zuba

My Strong Mind (children's book) by Neils van Hove

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers

Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott & Barrie Davenport

Get Out of Your Own Way by Mark Goulstand M.D. & Philip Goldberg


Optimal Living Daily with Justin Malik

Mad World by Byrony Gordon

Mentally Yours by the Metro

The Struggle Bus by Katharine Heller & Sally Tamarkin

The Hilarious World of Depression with Joe Moe

Mental Illness Happy Hour with Paul Gilmartin

Anxiety Slayer with Shann Vander Leek & Ananja Sivyer

The Savvy Psychologist by

Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris


Insight Timer: free meditation app, music, educational talks

Calm: breathing, anxiety help, meditation, sleep aid, relaxing music, etc.

notOK: free for teens, red button activates & contacts 5 emergency contacts in crisis.

CBT Thought Record Diary: free cognitive behavioral therapy tool, record thoughts, re-analyze them

IMoodJournal: part personal journal and part mood tracker, can record meds, energy, & symptoms

Happify: psychologist approved mood training program, has engaging games, activity suggestions, & gratitude prompts

nOCD: free app for OCD, weekly tests for progress, immediate support for OCD episode

PTSD Coach: free app made by VA, helps with self-assessment, positive self talk, and anger management tools

UCSF Prime: free app for those living with schizophrenia, community of support, challenge goals

Rise Up and Recover: free app for those living with an eating disorder, tracks mood during meals, track progress, quick coping strategies


  • Check out Brené Brown and her books, interviews, podcasts, TED Talks, etc. We highly recommend her work and the way she is able to share it so well.

  • Inside Out is a great movie for all ages to get a better understanding of mental health and emotions

  • Perks of Being a Wallflower is another good movie to show a journey of an adolescent with a mental health condition

  • Music helps connect emotions and it helps stimulate and activate many brain regions

  • Use humor as a coping tool. Laughter is therapy and does help the mind produce healthy emotions and functions

  • Depression Quest is a video game that aims to help people with depression understand that they are not alone

These are by no means part of a complete list of resources. If you are interested in a specific topic related to mental health and want to find more resources, please reach out to us at

Remember to unplug and use other healthy habits and coping mechanisms in your toolbox too!

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